Trick Backlinks for Blog

If a comment on our blog dofollow indirectly we will provide a backlink to the people who comment or often called the "You comment I follow". Jajaja ..

So how do I eliminate this nofollow? The trick is as follows:
1. First course your blogger account login.
2. Select the edit HTML in blogger dashboard.
3. Check the Expand Widget Templates
4. Find this code below:
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'> <Data

You can look it up by pressing CTRL + F and paste the code in search box.
5. Remove section rel = 'nofollow' so the code becomes like this

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'> <data:

6. Save the template trus refresh. Ok, done.

Want to eliminate your nofollow backlink?
1. Perform steps 1-3
2. Find the code below

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'> <data: backlink

3. Remove the code rel = 'nofollow' so code like this

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url'> <data: backlink

4. Save the template and refresh.


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